The sun was out but it was not too hot or bright, in other words a perfect day for working in the yard. Betsy thought briefly about going back in to change from her new stretch Jeans into an older pair. But as she was not sure exactly what she might do today, she decided to just be a bit more careful and she could keep these new pants clean. So she took up her bucket which holds the garden tools and stepped slowly around looking for something that called out to be done first. Almost everything did need some sort of attention as she had been recovering from a surgery and had been house bound for much too long to suit her Texas Lifestyle. She stood a moment taking in the fresh air just appreciating the chance to be out in it, when a bee buzzed close by her face and slid by her ear with a loud zzz sound. Betsy covered her ear as the bee zipped past but not before she heard it say, “Zzee Aspen tree!” Did she really hear that? Did the bee actually speak to her and say, The Aspen tree? What about the Aspen tree? Their yard had many, many, trees, but only one Aspen and it was so far back in a spot behind the Hanger that it was not even visible from the house. She began to walk into the rose garden because they always needed something if only dead heading. But the bee zzoomed back and past the other ear. “zzee Aspen tree!” It zzsaid to the other ear. Then it zzzoomed up and out of sight over the hanger. She wouldn’t have been able to see where it went except the sun had...